Financial Independence Calculator

At Southwestern Advisory Group, helping our clients achieve financial independence is our foremost goal. Our Financial Independence Calculator can help you estimate how far along your financial journey you are – even before you walk through our doors. Enter your information below to receive your approximate timeline. When you’re ready to receive a comprehensive schedule, get in touch with our team. Once you begin working with us, you’ll receive a timeline and a specialized financial plan crafted to your financial situation.

Discover Your Financial Independence Timeline

Are you curious how far you are from achieving financial independence? Explore our user-friendly Financial Independence Calculator to receive an estimate based on a few details about your financial situation and saving habits.* After you submit your information, we’ll begin working on a more detailed breakdown of your results.

When you’re ready to expedite your journey to financial independence, get in touch with us! Our team will provide you with advice tailored to your unique financial situation and goals.

*the results from our financial independence calculator do not take into account numerous factors that can impact the time it may take an individual to achieve financial independence. The results from the calculator should not be taken as financial advice or used in lieu of speaking to a financial advisor.


Southwestern Advisory Group

420 Throckmorton Street | Suite 200 | Fort Worth, TX 76102
Office: 817-677-6077

Southwestern Advisory Group

105 East Road Stephenville, TX  76401
Office: 254-968-6428

Southwestern Advisory Group

100 Congress Avenue | Suite 2000 | Austin, TX 78701
Office: 512-546-6006